Hoozuki - Hoozuki no Reitetsu

Made In: 2018
Status: active


I wanted something lighter-weight to wear at DragonCon, to maybe die a little less of the heat, and I really do love this snarky asshole.



A loose-weave linen I dyed to get the right orangey-pink color for. I actually bothered to hand-finish all the edges and seams, inside and out, because it's so loose that they're visible from the outside and would fray really easily.


The adventure! I decided to go whole-hog on this because 1) me 2) I didn't have any other major crazy plans at the time. This started as an uncut bolt of summer-weight black kimono silk from Ichiroya, which was originally intended for mofuku, or mourning kimono (appropriate for someone who works in the afterlife). For the back emblem, collar, and colored bands on the sleeves and front, I used Jacquard's dye discharge paste to remove the black dye so I could redye it. This turned out to be a smelly, time-consuming process, because it took several passes of discharge paste to get the fabric lightened evenly (and it smelled terrible). Once that was done, I applied new dye and set it.


Pre-tied men's obi from eBay, aww yeah.


I made a nice, well-shaped silicone horn, and then promptly misplaced it in my basement workshop, requiring me to make a new one out of Sculpey UltraLight the morning before I flew out. Good job, me.