Yue - Card Captor Sakura

Made In: 2019
Status: active


This costume was done for a huge CCS photoshoot at Katsucon in 2019. There was a lot of suffering putting this together, given the lack of clarity as to how some of the components were meant to work. Turns out it's sometimes difficult translating 2d images to 3d clothing.



The base jacket is from one I already had around, then extensively altered to make the neckline and the pointed hems. There was a LOT of piecing necessary on this in order to get all the color blocking. The purple on the neckline is a separate piece that was sewn down by hand, because the chest piece needed to be able to slip under the edge of it, while still having something behind it to attach to. This took a lot of trial and error, and I'll be honest, I was tempted to give up at least once in the process. The tassels on the end were cobbled together from some discount graduation tassels--I was originally going to make my own, but the post office lost that package, so I had to find a quick replacement. The balls are 3D printed, making them very light weight and reasonably sturdy at the same time.

Chest piece

This was sketched out, and then patterned on my dress form. From there, I 3D printed the center dome piece, while the rest of it is made from craft foam coated with thibra. This was frankly a pain, and involved a lot of sanding, and it's still not perfect. But all things considered, it looks pretty good. It attaches to the coat via velcro, and is light enough that it's not really in danger of falling off.


This wig is an Arda Venus in white, plus an entire pack of long white wefts. There is a braid that connects to the back of the wig with a wig clip, which then supports the weight of the extra wefts, so that the main body of the wig isn't weighed down. It basically reaches the floor, and it weighs... a lot.


The base pants are pre-made stretch leggings. The stirrup parts were made by drawing a pattern out on tape over a plaster cast of my own foot. Again, a lot of piecing was involved. The gems are glass carbonces from Fire Mountain.