Snorlax - Pokemon [Cowslip Gijinka]

Made In: 2016
Status: active


Made for a Pokemon Gijinka group at Dragon*Con 2016 - which was unfortunately definitely the wrong weather for this outfit, but I'm pretty fond of it anyway. Much like Snorlax, I also want to sleep all the time.


Haori + Hakama

My usual combo of patterns from Making Your Own Japanese Clothes and Round Earth publishing, using a nice soft blue-black peachskin we picked up several yards of out of a clearance bin years ago. The claws were sculpted out of FreeForm Air, and are looped on jumprings sewn down to the fabric. The lacing is black suede looped through the jumprings.


A modification of my usual kimono pattern to have narrower sleeves. It's fuzzy-side-out cotton sweatshirt fleece, with sewn pintucks for the 'stripes'. The collar is cotton flannel which I stencil-dyed using freezer paper.


The thing I'm most proud of on this, honestly. I blew up the reference art and edited the contrast/symmetry a bit, then printed it and traced it onto freezer paper. I used that freezer paper stencil to apply dye to cotton flannel. The results were frankly fantastic, I think.